Let them go

Sometimes for a season, and always for a reason.

Each and every experience, no matter how hard or painful, is meant to give us a learning we would have never received without it.

I know I know... how nice would it be if that learning came a different way. Lol And that's just the thing. The way the lessons come are EXACTLY meant for us.

Learning to let go... the art of letting go... takes time, takes patiences, a healthy forgiveness practice, and a shit load of ACCEPTANCE- of the past, of the things we can't change, and especially of the people we can't change.

And yes, sometimes it takes a strong enough reason to learn- pain is often that reason, and that's OK. 

Pain, can be a gift- your gift- if you let it...

Life. Is. For. You. ❤


Be nice


Triggers are a gift