It’s time to put your crown on and BE the Queen you were born to be…

This program is in process of being elevated!

Next enrollment date TBD…

Do you really know who you are?

What if you found out that who you believe you are is only a fraction of the potential you were born with?

What if you learned a doorway that could unlock your full self expression?

What if you could rewrite & transform the story of your limitations, hurt, trauma, and playing small into a story of strength, power, and confidence? 

Truth Serum for the Soul™ is a 3-step journey designed for women to peel back the layers of bullshit that we were conditioned with over a lifetime through programming, generational trauma, repeated patterns, unhealed wounds, poor mindsets, fractured identities, social conditioning, and disconnection from our divine design.




Truth Serum Graduate: Alex Sevrine

Truth Serum Graduate: Carrie Pullaro

Did you know that who you think you are isn’t the truth?

A long time ago, there was a little child. This child was born into a world of full of possibility, of unconditional love, of magic, of knowledge of the universe. She was born with a unique blueprint, a soul, but then life occurred.

Promises were broken- scars were made- and the world of possibility began to close. The child soon learned who she was in the world. She learned who it wasn’t allowed to be, what was wrong and right, that she was too loud or too soft, and that her beauty was only defined by what the world said it was.

Promises were broken- scars were made- and the world of possibility began to close. The child soon learned who she was in the world. She learned who she wasn’t allowed to be, what was wrong and right, that she was too loud or too soft, and that her beauty was only defined by what the world said it was.

As the child grew up, teachers gave her grades and a ranking, her friends gave her a role to play among her peers, the media gave her the expectations of what she should aspire to become, and her authority figures gave her a sense of security or perhaps were the source of her traumatic loss of innocence.

Along the way, she often felt lost, out of control, maybe found herself in some codependent relationships, shut down emotionally, afraid to speak up for herself, found out that her career wasn’t what she expected… she grew tired… put her health on the back-burner, put herself last, and maybe even settled for a life of comfort and mediocrity…

And maybe… this woman, is ready to find out what life could look like when she takes off the armor, the masks, the expectations, and sits down to listen to what the little girl inside her has been begging for her to hear

This girl, might be you… and as you grew up, you collected and created the story of your life.

Who am I really?

Who can I trust?

What am I worth?

Will I ever be good enough?

Am I capable of more?

Am I a good person?

What is my purpose here?

Who am I really?

The “narrative of your life” is a collection of these stories that play themselves out over and over again.

But what if your life is not what you thought it is?

What if you just aren’t who you THINK you are?

What if you could change the story of your life so that what you want IS obtainable?

You have learned to make sure that everyone else is taken care of first. You are so good at handling multiple areas of life that you have avoided yourself.  Maybe you already know this. Maybe you have been on this path for a while but you still find yourself doing the same shit in a different way.

Secretly, you find yourself constantly doubting your gut feelings and nobody is a harsher critic on you, than you.

As you’ve started to become aware of your “self-talk”, you have begun to realize that what you want and how you act don’t always match.

Maybe, you are realizing that the emotional wound you keep putting a band aid isn’t getting better. Maybe you’re a parent and see your emotional wounds and self imposed limitations reflected in your children. Maybe you are beginning to see that you are more like YOUR parents than you thought.

Truth Serum for the Soul gets beneath the surface of your deeper childhood conditioning and challenges you to get real with yourself.

It is my passion and life mission to guide you to a place of:

Freedom - Acceptance - Expression - Wholeness

Truth Serum Graduate: Isa Murphy

Can you relate to the following:

  • You are not sure how to tell the difference between your intuition and your fear

  • You want to take action in your big goals but find yourself procrastinating and are in self doubt of your current abilities

  • You are your worst enemy and no one can criticize you better than you

  • You know you are settling for a relationship, career, or position in life but don’t know how to break free

  • You struggle with boundaries with yourself or others

  • You often say “I’m fine” and pretend to be ok with what’s happening when you really aren’t

  • You think being “strong” is holding it together until you fall apart

  • You feel like there is a weight on your chest, on your shoulders, or on your back that has been there for a while

  • You idolize or criticize successful women and often find yourself in comparison

  • You are holding back from owning and expressing your FULL truth and being SEEN for it

  • You feel like you are running the same old reactive patterns over and over again and aren’t sure how to stop it them

  • You are a master of self-sabotage in your relationships, your wellness, or your career

  • You are wanting to heal past trauma but want something more effective than therapy

  • You are tired of suppressing your emotions and realize that not expressing how you feel and what you want might be hurting you or others.

If you said “oh yea, that’s me” to one or more of the above, then you’re in the right place, Queen. And if you flinched at the word “Queen”, you’re DEFINITELY in the right course.

So what is the Truth Serum Journey?

3 Step Journey to Freedom:

Level 1:

Radical Self-Honesty


Focus: Your relationship with you

Theme: Freedom, Expression, Awakening

This is a journey to explore your unconscious thoughts, behaviors, actions, automatic reactions, limitations, perspectives, judgments, and why your life looks exactly the way it does. Through radical honesty, decades of cycles, patterns, addictions, attachments, and trauma can be released and transformed. Learn how to navigate the human experience through any season of change. In this experience you will come face to face with the story you have been telling yourself your entire life. Turns out… you are not who you currently think you are.


Level 2:

Radical Self-Acceptance


Focus: Your relationship with others

Theme: Acceptance, Surrender, Compassion

We don't see others as they are. We see them as WE are. In this journey we peel back the wiring of what makes us tick as humans- our social conditioning, programming, and paradigms that we play with others. Together, we confront our unconscious “shadows” that participate in our assumptions, expectations, disappointments, judgments, and conflicts with others.


Level 3:

Radical Ownership


Focus: Your relationship with the world

Theme: Purpose, Alignment, Vision

Through the process of healing, navigation, transformation, and rebirth, what emerges from within us is our divine self. We also learn to observe the world in a brand new way while tuning into the spiritual laws that govern our highest desires to contribute to humanity. In this journey, we explore how to align ourselves with a higher purpose, become the witness of our human experience, and discover what it truly means to live consciously.

Imagine for a moment…

…waking up confidence, power, and passion knowing who you are, what you are here to do, and act upon it!

Imagine being able to strengthen your connection to your creator because you have mastered your mind space!

Imagine feeling a deeper sense of fulfillment because you’ve learned how to get unstuck and can now move through any emotional experience with ease!

Imagine having prosperous and deep relationships. Imagine your generational patterns ENDING with you!

Imagine being able to CHOOSE how you want your self talk to sound.

Imagine having a coach to support you through this entire process…

I have BEEN where you are- first hand- and I have walked through the shadows of the past where pain lives and rewrote my trauma. And I can tell you, it IS possible to radically transform the very things you doubt about who you are and what you can do.

It is my privilege and honor to walk beside you as you discover how truly powerful, valuable, and on purpose you are.

If you are ready to discover how good, “good,” can feel, call for your 20 minute clarity session to get started today.

NO MORE, letting procrastination stop you, it’s time to take action.

God, the Universe, and I have your back…

Level 1: A 10 Week Journey of Radical Self Honesty

  • What to Expect:

    • Weekly 2.5 hour group zoom call

    • Weekly 20-30 minute check in call with Jamie or Julie

    • 24/7 support group via WhatsApp

    • A safe and non-judgmental space for female connection and expression

    • Accountability sisters

    • Exercises and Mindset Strategies

    • Tools and Methods for Emotional Processing and Release

    • Develop clear boundaries & habits for healthy relationships

    • Learn how to experience ALL aspects of your emotions in a healthy way

    • Learn how to communicate yourself effectively, powerfully, and purposefully

    • Get to the root of “why” you do what you do

    • Understand your internal belief system and what has been “running” your subconscious behaviors 

    • Learn a strong foundation to Master your Mind

    • Develop an internal barometer for mental, emotional, and spiritual alignment 

    • Expose your gifts and life purpose 

    • Learn tools and methods to experience mental and emotional freedom

  • Map of Modules:

    • Week 1: Foundations for Change

      Week 2: The Human Experience

      Week 3: Perception and Projection

      Week 4: Identity

      Week 5: Conscious Experiencing

      Week 6: Narratives

      Week 7: Resistance

      Week 8: Navigation

      Week 9: Authorship & Authority

      Week 10: Always Arriving


More Testimonials…


Aisha Singleton- Truth Serum Graduate

Angelica Gutierrez- Truth Serum Graduate