

Truth Serum of the Soul Graduates



Are you an expert in all things “wrong” with you?

Do you have a PhD in over-analysis?

Are you wanting to start something new but are TERRIFIED to take the jump?

Do you want to know what it feels like to love and accept yourself fully for the perfectly imperfect human that you are?

If you said “HELL YES” to any of the above, then this journey found YOU.

It took a lifetime to arrive at this place. The script was written so long ago that you grew into this person that sometimes you don’t even recognize in the mirror.

And it’s ok. We all did. And now?

𝑰𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆... 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕...

It’s time... to peel back the layers on the story of your life and discover the GIFT that you are

It’s time... to uncover the “un-truths” about who you thought you were, and DEFINE yourself.

Don’t let it be another lifetime before you find out your brilliance, magic, and the Truth of your Soul.

“1-on-1” Coaching & Medicine Success Stories

“Jamie has been my teacher, life coach, and spiritual guide for the last 6 months and I can say with certainty that working with her has been one of the most beneficial experiences of my life. Upon first meeting, we immediately dove deep into my “why” and hit the ground running. Admittedly, I had done a lot of therapy and self help work in the past, so Jamie was able to quickly assist me in defining my goals. However, I am confident that someone just beginning their healing journey would find speaking with Jamie immediately beneficial as she always leads with empathy and has a wealth of knowledge spanning all stages of healing. It is important to note that my goals were simply “I don’t want to feel this way anymore” and “I want to stop surviving and start living my life.” 

I came to Jamie with nearly 10 years of experience in cognitive behavioral therapy, but I was still stuck, anxious as ever, and clinically depressed. I had little zest for life, and felt hopeless overall. I was coping with these feelings by numbing them in an assortment of ways, but knew deep down I wanted more. Something was calling to me, and to put it plainly, Jamie helped me answer that call. 

She helped me understand universal Truths, how to speak to past versions of myself to let them be heard, and how to feel my emotions and let them pass. The greatest gift I was able to give myself after working with Jamie was self love. I will be forever grateful for this. It’s something I thought was too good to be true, only to now find myself loving me. Much of this was done using deep and ancient spiritual techniques that showed me who I really am and who I’ve been all along. Afterwards, Jamie would help me integrate who I saw during the journey into my waking life. She made herself available to brainstorm ideas, and always checked in on my progress and still does to this day. As of today, I am someone who journals about their feelings, feels less anxious, less depressed, and truly wants to live in alignment with who they are. I feel connected to the universe, and have received astonished comments from those close to me that I seem lighter, happier…a 2.0 version of myself. I couldn’t agree more. 

Jamie does not take a conventional therapy route. She will not just sit idly by in hopes you have an epiphany. Her approach is a partnership where you’re working together the entire session. This is very rare in the therapist community. Every successful person will tell you that they had a mentor. Someone skilled in the area they were trying to become skilled in. I learned this first hand working with Jamie. She is truly a master of her craft. Let yourself be taught by someone who has studied finding alignment, truth, and happiness. 

If you are feeling stuck, have a goal you want to achieve, or want to love yourself and those around you genuinely and be in alignment with who you really are, talk to Jamie. I cannot recommend her guidance enough.”

- Jordan H- Programmer

“My time and experiences with Jamie have been transformative beyond what I imagined. I initially connected with Jamie because after 12 years of talk therapy and a few years of EMDR and neurofeedback, I was feeling like I needed a big change to happen. These forms are great, and I still do both, but they were slow and very incremental by nature. It felt like I had put in all the long and arduous effort that was required but never really hit a point at which I felt like I had changed. There were also tons of concepts I understood mentally but weren’t happening automatically. Many things I knew but couldn’t feel. I knew to stay calm during a challenging moment but never felt calm. I knew how to stay open minded when facing some form of adversity but never felt balanced in the situation. This got frustrated at some point. Enter Jamie. We did the sessions before the ceremonies. She gave me work, help with analysis and interpretation, support and point of view when I was just very disconnected. The plants did their job and put big things in a pile in front of Me and Jamie grabbed a shovel helped me sort it all out. I believe in the last 2 years, I have made transformations in excess of the last 10 before it because of her. That’s a big deal considering my talk therapy therapist is absolutely amazing and so too is my EMDR/neurofeedback therapists. It wasn’t as though I was in incapable hands. Far from it actually. This is a different kind of shift though. My advice would be to speak with her. Jamie has been a tremendous source of happiness and peace for Me so obviously I’m always chomping at the bit to refer her to a friend or family so I figured what better than a review. It is wild what she can do to help you change over a 3, 6, 12, etc.. month period. She is a lifelong friend and I can honestly say, since the point that she entered into my life, almost everything has changed and for the better! If your considering her services, take the leap. Its impossible that you will have regrets.”

- Kevin L. - Real Estate Developer

My experience with Jamie has changed my life. I have been in talk therapy for years, but was frustrated at my lack of progress. So much talking, but nothing was sinking in. I heard the words that were being spoken, but I either didn’t believe them or just didn’t know how to apply them. Out of near desperation, I connected with Jamie as my guide. From the first intention setting session, I knew this was going to be different from my experiences with traditional therapy. Jamie was sensitive, encouraging, and helped me drill down my original intention to something deeper than I first anticipated. I felt heard and supported. After a couple of sessions, I didn’t feel any fear going into my ceremony with her because I knew that Jamie would keep me safe. The ceremony itself was absolutely transformational. It was sacred, humbling, solemn, soulful, tearful, wondrous, illuminating, loving, and yet surprisingly ordinary – it was just on my living room rug! Jamie was there to quietly and lovingly encourage me. Metaphorically speaking, she held open a door as I walked through, and never left my side throughout the journey. It was wonderful, and I’m so grateful to her. Our integration sessions have been amazing too – that’s where the magic (and the work) really happens. The way I look at my life has changed so much in the short amount of time since the experience. The loving and tender things that were said on my living room rug – those words came out of my mouth…to myself, about myself, and I meant them! Words that I’ve been hearing all my life but never listened to. They’re finally sinking in, and I’m finally starting to believe that everything is going to be ok.”

- Sandy G- Restaurant Development

“Jamie is a rare diamond who pretty much fell from the sky. Yes, She is a ‘G-d sent!’. There is simply no other way to put it. The journey I had with her was nothing I could’ve ever imagined. She navigates with her heart and leads with her wisdom. You are truly lucky to have a Medicine Woman like her. The integrity of her work is evident in her sincerity; in every moment. There is a genuine interest that is felt and her mission is clear- to allow the space necessary for a person to unveil their truest self TO themself. She does this with Humility and Faith. There aren't enough words to express my gratitude towards this woman. For what it’s worth, thank you for stepping into my life and sharing this rare experience and capsule of time.”

- M.L.

“My work with Jamie was completely transformative! She assisted me in my healing journey with plant medicine. From start to finish she was there for me all the way through and I felt thoroughly supported and so safe with her. She helped me prepare for my journey in every way. Planning the time and location, discovering my intentions, working through my emotions that came up and fear leading up to it. She sat with me during and held space for me and comforted me. Afterwords, working with her to integrate what I had experienced during my journey was key! It’s was life changing. She shared insights with me and helped me design a roadmap of what I was working towards in my life post this incredible experience. She guided me so beautifully. I am forever grateful to her for how safe she made me feel. I highly recommend Jamie to anyone considering doing any healing or spiritual work of any kind!”

- Sara H.- Reiki Practitioner & Healer.

“Jamie is amazing! Upon first meeting with Jamie, I felt instantly at ease. You can feel Jamie’s warmth and presence and she has an intuitive ability to connect while making you feel seen and heard. Deep healing work can feel vulnerable to say the least, but Jamie holds space in such a beautiful way, so you can feel safe to open up, tell the truth, and dig deep. During our sessions I was constantly writing down what Jamie had to say so I could reflect on her words of wisdom. Jamie combines deep spiritual lessons and insights with practical steps we can take every day to heal and transform. I always finished our sessions feeling grounded, peaceful, and inspired. And Jamie is your biggest cheerleader, recognizing that healing is a process and celebrating the seemingly small wins that lead to lifelong transformation. And although this type of work can be difficult at times, Jamie also makes it lighthearted and fun, reminding us to laugh and find joy throughout the process. I feel very blessed to have found Jamie and highly recommend working with her on your own healing journey.”

-Katie A.

“After trying two other people that didn’t click, I reached out to Jamie. From moment one, she felt like the way forward, and immediately she started giving good advice and guidance to start me down the right path to healing.

Jamie is very attentive and present. She asks thought-provoking questions that really help me get a larger and clearer picture of my behavior and reactions to situations. She's great at identifying and making simple, doable adjustments to the ways that I think and communicate my feelings about myself.

My ceremony day with Jamie was one of the most pivotal of my life. We had done two zoom prep sessions prior, so when we met IRL, I already felt at ease with her, like getting together with a friend. During the session I felt nothing but patience and support from her. She took over 13 pages of handwritten notes that I was able to review later. I felt heard and understood for the first time. I now felt like I had a confidant. Jamie has been great at understanding who I am and how I view my reality, and she's been able to give me structures and direction to help navigate that reality in order for me to reach my goals.

There are so many times in our conversations where she will say something that perfectly incapsulates what I have been feeling but didn't have the words to articulate. On other occasions, she expands on my thoughts and gives me much better clarity on how to move forward in a more productive, healthy way. And she does all of this in simple, clear language that is easy to connect with and incorporate. It never feels clinical. It feels like you are speaking to a good friend that only wants the best for you and is actually able to deliver useful insights to your problems.

Jamie has been an invaluable ally in my journey to becoming a much better version of myself.”

- Jeff M. - Videographer

“My time spent with Jamie Crawford as my psychedelic Guide was beneficial and positive in so many ways. She helped me clarify my intentions and helped me to be better prepared. I had been microdosing psilocybin but had not had any experience with a conscious macro dose. In my youth I had “partied” with psychedelics, but never with purpose or intention. I wanted this time to be different... I felt safe with Jamie as my Guide. I felt seen. I noticed that I never felt “managed” or told what to think or how to feel. The follow up integration sessions were very helpful. I highly recommend getting an experienced Guide for psychedelic medicine work, and Jaime Star Crawford gets my recommendation.”

- Virginia R.

“Jamie is someone you will feel you already know; you’ll feel her warmth, passion and special healing qualities are solely for your benefit. With her loving, caring knowledge, and intuitional professionalism she can help you unravel answers to questions, and discover answers that heal. Her insightful levels of empathy, emotional intelligence, and compassionate caring will open you up to recognize the opportunities and people that will mutually benefit your life.

By using intentional language, she guides you to new possibilities on how to integrate into a new healing path. She includes insights and practical exercises that apply to life, while creating a safe and gentle space for you to open up and dig deep to help you learn so much more about who you truly are.”

- Jeff H. - Artist & Author

"Before I met Jamie, I was dealing with a lot of trauma and anxiety. I had issues stemming from childhood that I was unable to address alone. Especially during the pandemic, I was at a loss on how to move forward with my life in a fulfilling and empowering way. I sought out Jamie in hopes that she could help me free myself from my paralyzing fear and pain.

When Jamie and I started working together, I discovered unconscious patterns I did not even realize were there, and Jamie taught me a multitude of tools to work with my inner world. I discovered a whole new realm of possibilities to empower my life and rewrite the crippling story I had been telling myself. She has been so on point with her knowledge and understanding, and allowed me the freedom to reveal myself completely. She taught me to rewrite my neuropathways to release fear from my mind and body. With Jamie's help, we delve into the deepest parts of myself and revealed so much of what was weighing me down, as well as what was strengthening me on this great journey to freedom.

It has been an incredible blessing to work with Jamie. She has the most compassionate way of guiding me and others through all the pain we carry with grace and understanding. She helped me fight for myself when I thought I couldn't. She has inspired so much love and a sense of discovery within me, and I am grateful beyond words to have had this opportunity with her.

If I hadn't made this investment for my journey, I would be reliving the vicious cycle of patterns that held me back from living my life wholeheartedly. I wouldn't know how to deal with the weight I carried, and I would still be carrying around my wounds as a way of separating myself from the world.

Jamie has taught me to put down my sword and shield, and embrace all of life like the sun against bare skin. She has empowered me to trust, and trust in myself, knowing that I have the courage and bravery to reveal my heart to the sky, to know the true embrace of life's possibilities.

Words of gratitude will never suffice for what Jamie has given me."

- Megan A.

“Jamie Star is a true spirit guide - a guardian of transformation who acts as a guiding light and ally to help you recognize your true self and the possibilities for what you might become. Her preparation sessions very quickly cut to the core issues in a gentle but direct way and helped me find clear intentions for the experience. The experience itself was more than I could have imagined. I faced and overcame fears I’ve been carrying around since childhood and truly feel free of their burden even 5 months later. You couldn’t be in better hands to open yourself to this passage  with Jamie’s experienced and compassionate guidance supporting you along the way.” 

- A.S.

”Working with Jamie has been a life-changing experience. I remember the first time I met her. She has this presence and aura that made me feel relaxed and safe. When she looks at me, it feels as if she can see what soul and get what I am trying to communicate without having to hear it. Through working with Jamie, she taught me how to hear my inner voice and to trust myself versus wanting to be in control of every aspect of my life. Through trusting myself and the universe, I've been able to move forward without second-guessing and to be open to possibilities. I've created incredible results over the past few years, including starting multiple businesses, leaving my full-time job, creating a beautiful community of friends... and I know that my experiences with Jamie contributed to that."

- Victor K.- Web Developer

“I am forever indebted to my spiritual guide, Jamie, for the profound impact she has had on my life. When my father's health failed and he later transitioned, I was lost in a sea of grief and pain. I am BEYOND thankful that Jamie provided me with the tools and courage to navigate the stormy waters of my emotions. Her knowledge of various modalities was instrumental in nursing me back to emotional/mental health. Additionally, she taught me to be more present in my relationships, to trust my instincts, and to let go of self-doubt and guilt. Through her wise counsel and compassionate support, I have emerged stronger, more grounded, and more grateful for the blessings in my life. Jamie has been an angel in human form, and I am eternally grateful for the love and light she has brought into my life.” 

- Rob. A.- Cinematographer & Director

“Jamie’s “Truth Serum for the Soul” has been an amazing enlightenment. From the very beginning, I knew it was going to assist me in unraveling some very deeply embedded programs that were unconsciously contributing to myself sabotage and esteem issues. I have been doing “personal development” work for a while and she was able to shed light on things others glazed right over. She supports us in bringing to light those things in a non-judgmental and accepting way. In her program, Jamie sheds light on the what, where, why and what to do about it, from a leadership perspective, teaching us to stay grounded in acceptance and self-love. From there nothing is too big or impossible to address. She is a masterful teacher and a supportive coach. I can’t wait to work with her in the ‘sequel’ workshop.” 

- Deb. H.