Be nice

"Be nice"- I tell my son this all the time. Be nice to others and especially be nice to himself. The irony? I can't tell you how many times I don't choose to be nice to myself!

I have found that the more I grow, the more challenge I  attract. The more I know, the more I realize I don't know. And the more I achieve, the harder on myself I become.

When you care... deeply... about doing a good job, being a good parent, being a great wife or husband, or being your best self, being able to pick out all the ways you suck becomes second nature. Why? 

Because you have a deep desire to be great... I often find myself in need of a reminder to "be nice" to myself. What does that look like?

It's allowing myself to be awkward when learning something new. It's choosing to recognize and acknowledge the growth in the process rather than seeing what didn't work as a failure. 

It's being ok with ALL of my emotions, not just the ones that I am proud of. And, it's learning to BE proud of who I am and what I have accomplished.

We all have that "voice"- you know which one... the mean one that creeps up when you are not paying attention. Take notice to it. Acknowledge it. And give it a name. Try it!

When you can learn how to notice this voice, you can then learn how to silence it... Why is it so important to provide ourselves with positive affirmations? 

Because the subconscious learns through repetition. The more we feed it negative, the more we run negativity. The more we feed it positive, the easier and more effortlessly we think and feel positivity!

So, what self beliefs are you creating in your daily practice? Are you "being nice" to yourself?

I know that my process of change is constant, and it won't always look pretty, sound pretty or feel pretty. And, it's ok... I am imperfectly perfect, and 100% human... so today, I choose to BE  NICE to myself, and acknowledge the steps I have taken to become the woman I am. 

How are you loving yourself today? How can you silence the "mean voice" and be NICE to yourself? 

And remember, it's a process, and we are all doing the best we can with what we have...




Let them go