“Why do I even need a Coach?”

The Bold Truth:

This is YOUR life.
You are responsible for how you choose to experience it. You are the co-creator of your success.
And, if you are overthinking what to do next, you are not taking ACTION towards creating the relationship of your dreams, a passion-filed deeply fulfilling career, physical vitality that motivates you to move, or experiencing life from a powerful, confident, and unbreakable state of peace. 

Isn’t it about time that you live a life by design instead of default?

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“The Coach” is the one who sees outside of the box that you are currently operating from.

The one who interrupts the bullshit that you have been allowing, the negative self-talk, the limitations you were conditioned with, the current snapshot of who you believe you are.

The one who guides you in revealing the truth of your divinity, the truth of your greatness, the truth of your original design, the truth of why you were born on this planet and what you came to give to the world.

The Coach is the one who has already walked the path, and gives you the OPPORTUNITY to help you uncover your own blind-spots so that you can see:

What is keeping you from playing your biggest game in life

What is keeping you from showing up in your purpose

What is keeping you from being the real you in your relationships

What is keeping you in your addictions

What is keeping you from breaking the recycled patterns

What is keeping you from looking in the mirror and being madly in love with the person staring back at you

What is keeping you from having a strong connection with your creator

What is keeping you from saying “yes” to your divine appointments

What is keeping you from taking massive actions towards your success

What is keeping you from wellness and total health

What is keeping you from showing up like the bad-ass you are in the world

What is keeping you stuck in your victim conversations

What is keeping you from being fully self-expressed

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Why do I need a coach?

The interruption is necessary to stop us from playing the same games in our mind, and instead, get realigned with that is True, beneficial, and healthy.

What you already know is what got you here.

It’s the pathways that you DON’T know where I will take you.

I am the Coach who is going to help you you uncover and unveil what strategically has been running in the background preventing you from living by design.

I am the Coach who is going to help you fight for your breakthrough. Why? Because your life matters. The way that you show up in this life matters- not just to yourself but to everyone else around you.

We have got to play the game of life - BIG -because of what is at stake.

I am here to help you through your process of transformation.


“We don't see things as they are, we see them as WE are.”

Jamie Star Crawford

Coaching that will help you change your way of BEING


Psychedelic Integration Coaching

Psychedelic Integration Program

Whether you are exhausted from your emotional condition, anxiety patterns, are healing deeper pain, or you are wanting to expand your creativity, dive deeper into your purpose, or elevate your capacity to serve in the world, psychedelic medicine is a research-based ancient toolset to help re-balance, re-store, and re-new the mind, body, and spirit.

Plant medicine must be approached with the upmost responsibility, sacredness, and respect.

There have been thousands of studies over the last 7 decades which have revealed the effective and potent benefits to psychedelic properties concerning healing, self awareness, neurological rebalancing, stress health, mindset reprogramming, emotional balance, energetic wellness, and spiritual expansion.

More important than the experience of using the medicine is the integration practices and principles that MUST be incorporated in the process. These experiences, although extremely profound and ephemeral, typically become short-lived if a lifestyle and change of habits are not equally integrated.

This is what I support you with.

Whether you are journeying on your own, in ceremony, with a qualified shaman or medicine man or woman, I am here to guide you in the preparation and integration process after.


  • Initiation & Preparation: Preparation sessions + assignments + Optional Microdosing protocol 

    1. Discovery- unpacking of your story

    2. Intention setting

    3. Laying the Groundwork for ceremony

    4. Aligning your perspectives and assignments with your desired outcomes

  • Integration: Virtual Sessions following medicine therapy + Weekly assignment exploration + Optional Microdosing protocol 

    1. These sessions are designed to help you: 

      1. Solidify the learnings and lessons from your ceremony 

      2. Reprogram old paradigms 

      3. Integrate awarenesses into behavior and action 

      4. Redesign a lifestyle that aligns with vision 

      5. Explore and confront deeper programming exposed from the ceremony 

      6. Create new effective habits 

      7. Have support to navigate the transitions

      8. Learn how to transmute energy, beliefs, patterns, and generational coding 

      9. Develop healthy emotional practices

      10. Modify goals and vision to match the uncovered desires and truths

  • Deeper work: further sessions + Weekly assignment exploration (this will be an additional investment) 

    1. If you desire to work deeper with the medicine, post ceremony, we will have additional sessions to realign, reprogram, and reintegrate new learnings and healings over the following months.




A package of 4 sessions

Are you new to coaching?

Is this something that excites you or even scares you?

Do you know you need a change in life, but maybe require some inspiration and raw truth?

Do you often feel like you need evidence before you leap?

Are you ready to find out just how ready you actually are?

This option is for you!


  • 4 discovery sessions that explore the map of your life, the operating system of your mind, your emotional and behavioral habits that are creating the life you see in front of you, and get clear on where you want to go.

  • Assignments and practices that reflect your awarenesses

  • Text & email support


The Realignment

6 Month Program

—> The MOST powerful, life-changing, and reality-shifting way to fully transform every area of your inner and outer world<—

If you are 1000% committed to a different result in your life, are willing to get honest and real with yourself, are open to what you don’t know that you don’t know, and are READY to elevate yourself to a higher expression of you, then THIS IS FOR YOU!

In 6 months, you will uncover your internal operating system that has been running your life, your hidden limited identity, spiritual incongruencies, unhealthy habits, your subconscious shadow material, what is keeping you from success, the emotional blocks, and self-sabotaging patterns that have stopped you over and over again. 

Through this deep process you will gain clarity of purpose, release years of emotional pain and trauma, develop habits and behaviors that WORK for your goals, fall madly in love with yourself, create elevated levels of confidence, and become an expert navigator of life and all seasons of transition and transformation.

You will become an EXPERT Manifestor of what you TRULY want, and discover your personal power. 


  • The Root:

    • Breakthrough Session

    • Deep Level Past evaluation

    • Holistic inventory of Life

    • Identify & release emotional baggage

    • Discover unconscious values and perspectives of self and others

    • Clarification of goals & vision

    • Roadmap to results

    • Identify un-aligned habits, patterns, behaviors, addictions, attachments, survival patterns, coping mechanisms, and paradigms that are unsupportive to desired goal.

  • The Planting:

    • Create & program new aligned habits

    • Aligned lifestyle shifts in nutrition, mindset, environment, wellness, financial models, relationships, & habits

    • Explore and confront deeper unhealed wounds and trauma

    • Deeper discovery process of self-identity

    • Create action plan in accordance to weekly goals and larger vision

    • Integrate wellness & wholeness practices

  • The Prospering:

    • Learn effective and empowering models of navigating life challenges

    • Develop spiritual principles of expansion, shedding, surrender, faith, certain in uncertainty, intuition, and inner peace

    • Modify goals according to newly discovered desires and understandings of self

    • Live from a state of purpose, confidence, and inner-knowing

    • Learn to navigate awakening processes with ease and compassion

    • Establish guiding principles for authentic self expression and worldly presence

    • Elevate attraction and magnification for manifestation

    • Navigate healing processes quicker & with introspection


  • Weekly 60-90 minute video sessions

  • Weekly 20 minute check-in call

  • Powerful integrative exercises

  • Weekly assignments


What if you are not sentenced to live everyday in pain? What if you woke up in love with your life and in love with you? What if you believed you are worthy, powerful, and limitless?

What would your life be like if you felt this way everyday?