You can have what you want…

You ever notice that you can create problems that aren’t there just so you can solve them? No? Just me?

Or focus on one small thing that bugged you and spend an hour collecting evidence to make sure you really are justified in your bugged-ness? .

Or create a story about why you can’t say what you feel or feel what you are experiencing or EXPERIENCE LIFE AUTHENTICALLY??! (Hint hint for all my favorite emotional suppressors!) .

Or don’t believe that what you asked for is actually happening, and so you examine it from every angle with a microscope or write it off like there’s no way it can be real?

Or put yourself in a situation over and over again to get upset or be right about “I knew this was gonna happen”? .

Or get told “the answer is love” and go, bullshit... love is way to easy of an answer. Lol
. 👋🏼 I have!! And still finding out how I unconsciously complicate my experience of life. 😂

What if it wasn’t as “hard” as you think it is?
What if you really CAN have what you want?

What if when a single problem occurred, we kept it in the present instead of digging up a grave site of pain to prove to ourselves why it’s never going to change? .

What if the only reason it keeps happening is because you keep choosing to be there?

What if choosing love really was... an answer? .

One of the hardest realities that I ever had to accept within myself was that I create drama. That was fun to swallow... .

Now, drama looks different on each person, and sometimes if we aren’t matching a level of Telenovela on the outside, we become blind to the drama we create on the inside every day of our lives. .

One of the shadows we can explore is “how do I make life more complicated than it needs to be?” .

I promise you, if you dare to ask yourself this question on a daily basis, you might be surprised by how much energy you spend keeping yourself limited. .

I know this shadow VERY well 😂. .

Are you aware of what areas of life you make the story harder than it has to?
#wellness #therapy #relationshipquotes #heal #freedom #quotestagram


Life is happening because you say so

