Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a HUGE believer in little wins. That’s why one of my core philosophies is to celebrate absolutely everything- I’m not joking- There is no win too small to deserve your attention and celebration.

Challenge: I want you to get SO comfortable with saying, “YAY ME!” that you learn to see even your losses, as wins.

“Omg I looked in the mirror and I felt pretty - YAY ME!”

“I woke up and didn’t talk shit for an hour - YAY ME!”

“I had compassion for my partner instead of judging their everything - YAY ME!”

“I meditated today for 10 minutes - YAY ME!”

“Someone complimented me today, and I said ‘THANK YOU’- YAY ME!”

“I recognized the inner voice who put me down and said, ‘not today satan!’ - YAY ME!”

“I stayed on my schedule for 3 days- YAY ME!”

When walking towards a long term goal, it’s NECESSARY to recognize your little wins so you have fuel to keep going, even when things don’t go according to plan.

When we don’t encourage ourselves along the way, the first sign of failure or maybe third time we fall off our structure, we will develop a story that we don’t have what it takes. THIS… is what has us dead in the water and walking around believing we aren’t GOOD ENOUGH.

If you have a belief floating around in your head somewhere that what you commit to has to be a perfect process… take that belief… light it on fire… and watch it burn- because a “perfection and commitment” as a state of practice is literally bullshit- It doesn’t exist.

If you’re willing to recognize the details of your awesomeness- you will practice authentic self love that OWNS, not diminishes your worth.

Joy is a choice.

Celebration is a choice.

Who is ready to become obsessed with their little wins and authentically say, “YAY ME!”?


“Am I doing this right?”


Just do it.