We are grown ass children

We are grown-ass children...

The misconception is that as adults we gained some sense of "control" over our emotional needs.

Our minds are brilliant. It is the JOB of the brain to keep us safe, and it is the nature of our ego to make us blind from anything that felt unsafe as a child.

But what happens when as adults we meet a threat to our emotional safety? What happens when we feel exposed? Judged? Rejected? Abandoned? Criticized? Unheard? Unsupported? Unloved?

The little girl within throws up a shield so quickly that she will make herself wrong for every little word you said that didn't get the reaction you hoped for, falling so fast into shame because it's safer and more familiar there...

The little boy within starts to believe he doesn't have what it takes because he was taught that failure means you are not worth being loved, appreciated, and accepted...

Chronologically I am 35. But there are days, sometimes weeks where I am emotionally 7 or 10. And man does she speak. The un-truths I have learned in her truths.

It takes courage and honesty to face your child-wounds. It takes even more courage and honesty to re-parent yourself.

Never underestimate what a good adult-tantrum can reveal about your inner child and his/her emotional needs...
#counseling #counselorsofinstagram #coaching #coachesofinstagram #healing #healingjourney #transform #consciousparenting #innerchild #shadowwork #truth #truthserum #selflove #wholeness #raiseyourfrequency #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #wellness #wellnessjourney #spiritualjourney


Shut up…


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