Transforming your life is a simultaneous construction and Deconstruction process…


Transforming your life is a simultaneous 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑫𝑬𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 process… you gotta let some stuff go.

If you are calling forth a new life, are you willing to deconstruct some shit that will NOT support your new life?

It can take some harsh honesty to courageously look at whatever “operating systems” you have been living from.

The problem with intending to create a new life be it relationship, business, project, job, health goal, or any other new avenue, if you SKIP the process of deconstruction, you will create a future that is built on false structures and shaky foundation. It’s like trying to install a 2020 video game on Windows 97’ software- it won’t fucking work.

Imagine you live your life as a computer with installed programs that automatically run you. These programs are meant to protect you from pain, add comfort to your daily functioning, and give you the illusion of certainty.

So if I continue to behave or think in a way that is not aligned with what I am asking for, my success will be short lived.

That’s a hard-ass pill to swallow for most of us! If you want to know where to find these behavior patterns? Just look at your perceived failures.

The dysfunction is, if I continue to defend my ways of being that take me FURTHER from my destination, I will only produce more obstacles and barriers.

If you are in the process of calling into your life some new things-- a partner, a business opportunity, a family healing, a new structure of living, or even a new relationship pattern, get honest with yourself about your internal "Operating system"

Some aspects of your operating system to consider:


Strategies for communication

Behavior patterns



Reaction and response system

Defense system

Coping Mechanisms



When a client comes to me, they are asking for something new. Why? Because what is currently present, is not working in some way. Throughout our journey together, we look closely at these operating systems.

When I have the privilege of witnessing paradigm shifts in them, it is almost always due to a reprogramming of one of the above systems.

Getting to know your system takes time. And above all, honesty… it is a process that comes with grace, acceptance, and loving the shadow aspects of our mind.

If you are getting to know your operating system, BE KIND to your process. And, you don’t have to get to know it alone

Vinh Nguyen


What are you still punishing yourself for?


Can you back the f up from where you are standing to get a bigger view of your life?