The beginning

The beginning: begin… beat… again… Tell your heart... to beat again.

The hardest part of transitioning is LETTING THE FUCK GO.

It can be so easy to linger on old shit for waaay too long because we’re afraid to lose what is familiar and safe, or risk failure, or imagine what life is without that person, or experience the pain of change.

One of the hardest things we struggle with is letting go of how we THOUGHT it was “supposed” to be… to give up an idea that didn’t work out the way we imagined or expected it to go. How relevant for this year, right?

The truth is really this- for something new to be born, something old MUST end…

That is part of HEALING FORWARD.

To move on, it becomes necessary to let go… of whatever relationships, losses, excuses, reasons, images, ideas, expectations, who you were in the past, what you can’t control in others, the mistakes you made, the attachments… all of it… there is no going “back”.

As much as we sometimes wish we can “go back”, do you notice how much stagnation surrounds the word “back”?

Think about it- even the way we casually speak about going back, for some, gives us angst and loss of momentum..

BACK to work.

BACK to the gym.

BACK to normal.

BACK to my ex.

BACK to square one.

Move BACK in with my parents.

What if instead… we didn’t look at the full process of transition as backwards motion, but rather as the NEXT STEP that my journey happens to include?

Throughout history, there were many commanders, generals, and explorers who ordered their ships to be burned upon arrival to their destination. The symbolism was that there was simply no going back. That from that moment forward, all that lay ahead of them was what they focused on. It was their “All in”.

What ships are you needing to burn? What stuff do you need to say goodbye to? Surrender? Let go of? Detach from? Allow? Return to sender?

During many of my transitions, my heart was shredded apart and in so much pain that I could swear it stopped.. It feels like that sometimes, ya feel me? I know you do.

Sometimes, to have a new life means telling your heart to beat again… to begin again.

Are you ready to tell your heart to beat again?


Transition is hard…


Coach = “Forever Student”