Shakespeare said…

Shakespeare said, “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players”

Players.. Characters.. Masks we wear.. Roles we assume…
Some of us play the savior, the lover, the warrior, the protector, the martyr, the artist, the party-girl, the philosopher, the elitist, the conformist, the reformer, the instigator, the voice, the controller, the pacifist, the jester, the saint, the sage, the sacrificing mother, the devoted father, the runner, the addict, the victim, the abuser, the abused, the game changer, the follower, or the leader…

Pick your character… know it or not, you have been them all.

We are the archetype mixtures of sainthood and sinner, holy and profane, innocent and jaded, generous and selfish, father of the year and closet addict, “she says yes” and “fuck off”, loving wife and manipulative bitch, save the world and watch it burn…

I am all of them… are you aware that you are shades of them too?

It is the duality of our being that gives life to our light and dark characters.

But, what happens when I reject one of these characters? Where does it go?


Everything Ends


Are you bringing your old baggage into a new future?