You are here a reason.

You are here for a reason.

We all are.

So much about what has us continue to NOT allow ourselves to become the fullest expression of what God intended over our lives is this...

We believed them.

We believed the programs, the voices, the projections, the limits, the walls, the rejection, broken promises, the hurtful words, the betrayal, the abuse…

We believed them... it didn't make sense, but little by little we covered up our gold with mud and lost sight of the purpose that we were born with....

So...piece by piece... we strip... we peel off the layers... we confront those agreements that we unconsciously agreed to throughout our lives... and one by one we learn to say “NO”!

We say no to all things that are NOT us...

And begin to say yes to the whisper within- the voices that tell you…

"you were meant to..."

"your purpose is here to create..."

"you are the one who will..."

“This is who you really are…”

“They keep telling you you’re good at this. Believe them”

“You know all about this. You lived through it.”

And the whisper grows.

The signs and messages collect.

You can’t ignore them. They get louder.

You get taken through the same simulation over and over.

You try to reason with them and question, “who am I to be this? Do this? Are you sure this is me?”

And soon, we realize that they aren't lies, but the greatest Truth of our Soul.


To become who you truly are


The Truth