Old thinking
Fear driven action
Shutting God out
Settling for second best
Explaining yourself
Apologizing for your emotions
Holding your shit together
Wearing your masks
Guilt and shame
Walking around angry
Self sabotage
Allowing people in your boundaries
Say “yes” when you wanna say “no”
Apologizing for being yourself
Demanding attention
Doing shit you don’t wanna do
Reacting instead of responding
Doing a job that makes you miserable
Suffering from the past
Letting others decide your life
Your victim story
Resentment and bitterness
Letting opportunities go
Eating poorly
Not giving time to your health
Not making YOU a priority
Giving your time where you aren’t valued
Letting the media determine your emotions
Letting others steal your joy
Staying stuck
Not taking chances
Not going for your dreams
Not being everything you were meant to be
I could go on forever...
When you look honestly at your life, your well-being, your mind, your heart, your future... what do you need to be “fucking done” with so you can MOVE FORWARD into the next level of your life?