“The moment we weaponize our beliefs a war within begins.”

"Belief is a beautiful armor, but makes for the heaviest sword"- John Mayer

It’s no secret that our world is a polarized one. It can even feel like separation, divisiveness, and an opposition is the foundation for our antagonized society.

How often do you hear rhetoric like this?

You against me.

Right against wrong.

Left against right.

Black against white.

Us against them.

When we look at people, ideas, and the world from such extremities, we’re feeding into the structure that naturally pits us, as people, against each other. We remove any possibility for co-creation, reconciliation, or commonality.

This polarized view of the world builds layers of blinders so we can’t see we’re all a part of the same world, humanity, people.

Where does this start? In our OWN MINDS. Everything we see in the world is happening within us. When we become fixed in our beliefs, attached to who we “think” we are, we become fixed in our growth.

What's the anecdote?

Drop polarized thinking in exchange for curiosity.

What would happen if you looked at a belief system as just that - a belief system?

What if you practice pursuing the middle ground?

What if you tried seeing the situation from someone else’s shoes?

Here’s my challenge to you:

Put your sword and your shield away when you enter the conversation. So many of us are used to weaponizing a belief that we forget to leave space for vulnerability and the person behind the belief.

Be curious. Be open. Be committed to find our commonalities, not our differences.

Who is with me?


You don’t have to know


Transition is hard…